MatrixGold 3.5
New Features:
New Trillion Curved 2 - Equilateral Trillion
Added 'All Prongs' option to set all prong parameters equal to the one selected in Prong On Surface command
Added hotkeys to the appropriate parameter strings
Prong On Surface
Added Mirror X option Added Mirror Y option
Added Mirror Z option
Added Preview Curves for all mirrors
Object ON Surface & Gem On Surface
Preview Curves will now draw when a Mirror is toggled.
Added SubD to available selections
Add Profile To Library
Now works with Outside Ring Rails
Added Project Panel Legacy
New Horizontal Projects Panel inspired by Legacy Matrix Applications.
General Improvements:
Created and Added Missing Dynamic Command Builder Icons for:
Extrude Curve
Object On Curve
Gem On Curve
Gem List On Curve
Gem Between 2 Curves
Split Shank
Text On Curve
Object On Surface
Added Preference to Show/Hide Username block of the Main Window
Updated UI to Add Contrast
Ribbon Bar Icons and Sizing have received updates
Improved logic to obtain Shape/Placement of Channel Cutters for Gems with off-centered Culet points .
Added Profiles for the following Gems:
Gem Map, Tech Report, and Gem Report should all list stones with Largest Dimension first.
Tapered Baguettes are now listed in same format as listings on
Gallery Rail and Under Bezel will now inform the user when bad geometry is made from girdle spacing or thickness.
Object On Curve has had its Command Line String updated
Polar Array has had its count limit increased from 30 to 50 in the Command Line
Head - Missing Straight Baguette Styles have been added
Custom Gem Builder - Pavillion String has been updated
Bug Fixes:
Unexpected ShutDown Files should now Open as Expected
Fixed commands not selecting Gems from Gem Report
Micro Prong Cutters
Updated Responsiveness of Mid VPCH
Fixed Between gems toggle rotating cutters 180 degrees -
Gem On Surface
Fixed issue where some gem shapes would not resize properly in command
Context Menu
GemOnCurve Down should now run properly
Animation Studio
Resume Animation no longer creates a duplicate, unneeded folder
Object On Surface
Default options for Mirroring now match Command Line & Dynamic Commands Panel
Fixed Error on Resetting Settings and Restart on Fresh Installation
Fixed Scaling and Selecting RGB button in Rendering window
Fixed Default Diamond Material Rendering
Fixed memory leak related to GDI objects
Fixed 4k Alpha Scale
Split Shank
Fixed Metal and Profile failing when Start Position is set to 1
Metal Start Position Handle has been fixed to update properly
Ghost Conduit
Fixed for Invariant Culture Language Setting
Prevented Rhino Hotkeys from running while in a MatrixGold Dynamic Command
Viewport Ring
Fixed Viewport Ring reappearing if the Preference is off
Adjusted gvHead Console Prompts to Prevent Duplicate Parameters
Adjusted Block Naming Conventions to prevent Console Errors
Adjusted Port Logic to Improve Multiple Instancing
Replaced PDF with Package
Prevented Multiple Authentication Events
Prevented Uneccessary Block Warnings on Startup
Project Manager has received some consistency updates
Content Manager has received some functionality and consistency updates
Added Toast Notifications when applying materials in Render Studio
Updated Osnap Rhinoceros Defaults
Increased Stability when validating licenses
Prongs now Default Mesh to False
Auto Saves and Emergency Saves have receieved some added checks and recoveries, and now considers multiple workflows
Rhino version:
This version is compatible with the last Rhino release 7.33 (there was a problem with the head and the bezel on some gems shapes on the version 7.32).